book4 600x120 3

by Carol
(British Columbia)


Unknown succulent plant

Recently bought this succulent from a local nursery. It is about 9 inches tall and has branches off of the main stem.

There are no leaves.The bracts that run off of the main stem attach in adjacent segments. At first I thought it was a form of Senecio.

Drought Smart Plants reply:

Wow, what a strange and unusual plant.

I can see this in with a grouping of softer type succulents such as Echeveria for a stunning focal point. I have no idea what it is!

When I first saw the picture, I thought it resembled Ephedra, but I’m not really familiar with that plant enough to say for certain. You could be right about it being Senecio; there are many different forms in the genus.

Hopefully someone else will recognize it and leave a comment.


Comments for unknown plant

Jun 10, 2011

unknown plant
by: Kate Butler

Could be a very juvenile pencil cactus or one of the Hatioras/Rhipsalis.

Jun 16, 2011

thank you for your comments
by: Anonymous

Thank you for your comments — with its whimsical movement, I do agree, this would suit well with echeveria. It does look like it could be a delicate looking form of hatiora.

Once again, thanks….Carol

Aug 25, 2013

Name of plant
by: Francis

I live in Malta – small island south of sicily (Europe)

We have this type of plant.
The name is Gum sandarac tree, Tetraclinis articulata in maltese we call it ` SIGRA TAL-GHARGHAR.

Google it for pictures.

This tree support extremely hot and dry weather climate.

Just drop it outside and leave it to grow.
Once it settles down it will grow and grow.
Don`t give it too much water.

Hope this info is useful for you.

Francis D`Agostino

Aug 22, 2014

Sigra tal-gharghar
by: francis

In Malta (island south of Sicily Europe) we call it Tree of Gharghar. It is the Malta’s national tree.

Malta’s National Tree

May 05, 2015

by: Fabian

looks like Euphorbia tirucalli to me

Jul 27, 2016

Unknown plant
by: Malcolm M

I had one of these plants some time ago, didn’t know the name. Might I suggest taking it back to the nursery and asking the staff there. Maybe they will know.

May 03, 2020

i know
by: gabby

it is either a silver thicket or pencil cactus

May 03, 2020

Note to Gabby
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

Those interesting and fun names are common names, so may be used for more than one type of plant, and in different locations geographically. This is why it’s important to also know the botanical (Latin) name so we can all be on the same page.