If your flapjack succulent is drooping, there’s no need to panic. These succulents tend to be quite resilient, and with a little extra care, your flapjack succulent will perk back up in no time. In this article, we’ll be going over the basic care that is required for a flapjack succulent.
We’ll also be discussing how you can bring your flapjack succulent back to life if you notice that its leaves are drooping. Thankfully, flapjack succulents aren’t too difficult to take care of — though, simple mistakes, such as fertilizing a flapjack succulent too much, can cause problems. Let’s jump right in, shall we?
What is a Flapjack Succulent?
Flapjack succulents, also called paddle plants, are a type of plant with flat, circular leaves that grow in bunches. They’re easy to take care of and like living in hot, dry places. These succulents need lots of sunlight and soil that drains water quickly.
You can keep them inside if they get enough light, and if you live in certain areas (USDA zones 9-11), they’re great for gardens that don’t need much watering, like a xeriscape garden, for example.
Be careful, though, because all plants in the Kalanchoe family, including flapjack succulents, are toxic if eaten by people or pets. Despite the fact that it’s called a “flapjack succulent,” this succulent should never, ever be consumed! That probably goes without saying.
Anyway, whether you’re sprucing up your indoor space or adding a bit of flair to your garden, flapjack succulents are a stylish choice. Just remember to handle them with care, as their sap can irritate the skin, and keep them away from curious pets who might mistake them for a tasty snack.
Providing Proper Care for Your Flapjack Succulent
Taking care of flapjack succulents is simple, as long as you give them plenty of sunlight and avoid overwatering. We’d recommend placing your flapjack succulent in a sunny spot outside (they should get at least six hours of sunlight every day). If you’re growing your flapjack succulent indoors, put it by a south-facing window or use a grow light.
You’ll also want to use soil that drains quickly. If you want, you can add perlite to help with drainage. Water the plant deeply only when the soil is totally dry. Let the soil dry out completely between waterings. During the growing season, fertilize your flapjack succulent gently once or twice. Now, let’s break down proper flapjack succulent care in more detail below:
Just like most succulents that come from South Africa and nearby regions, flapjack succulents thrive in sunny spots. Thankfully, they also do quite well with partial sun. During the summer months, you might want to shield your flapjack succulent from getting too much direct sunlight. This will help to prevent leaf scorching. If your flapjack gets plenty of light in the winter, you might notice its green leaves developing those iconic red tips — which is great!
Your flapjack succulent will thrive if you plant it in soil that drains well. For best results, you’ll want to choose a sandy or loamy type of soil that doesn’t hold too much water. You should also make sure to plant your flapjack succulent in a clay pot that has holes in it for drainage. After all, the last thing you want is for the soil to get waterlogged.
Flapjack succulents are tough and can handle dry conditions. They actually prefer dry conditions, so it’s important not to give them too much water. Let the soil completely dry before watering your flapjack succulent again, especially when it’s hot outside. In winter, they need very little water, if any. Water them in the morning so that the roots can soak up the water and the leaves can dry before nighttime.
During the spring and summer months, your flapjack succulent will appreciate being fed some diluted fertilizer. Remember, though, that a little goes a long way. Fertilizing your succulent every few months should suffice. Too much fertilizer, like too much water, can actually hurt your flapjack succulent, so it’s best not to overdo it.
Flapjack succulents (like most succulents) do exceptionally well in hot, dry places. They’re not able to withstand cold temperatures, though, which is why they’re usually kept indoors as houseplants. Flapjack succulents prefer dry environments, so they may not thrive in especially humid climates. If winter temperatures dip below 20 degrees Fahrenheit where you live, it’s best to keep your flapjack succulent indoors.
How to Propagate a Flapjack Succulent
Propagating a flapjack succulent is surprisingly easy. When propagating a flapjack succulent, it’s always a good idea to wear gloves for protection. The reason for this is that the succulent’s sap can irritate your skin. It’s best to propagate these succulents after they’ve stopped flowering (usually in late spring or early summer). Although they bloom only once before dying, they’re quite easy to reproduce from cuttings.
To start, choose a healthy stem and cut a piece that’s about 2-3 inches long using pruning shears or scissors. You’ll need to make sure that the cutting has a few leaves on it. Remove the lower leaves, but leave at least two to three leaves on the cutting. Let the cutting dry and get hard. Usually, this takes one to three days.
Once the cutting has formed a callus, plant it in a container filled with moistened potting soil. Insert the cutting into the soil just up to the first leaf from the bottom. Cover the pot with a plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Place the pot in an area with indirect sunlight and monitor the soil’s moisture. When it gets dry, you can start watering it.
After about 15 to 20 days, you’ll notice new growth on the cutting. At this stage, care for it as you would a fully grown plant. Flapjack succulents can also be propagated from individual leaves placed on the soil. Healthy, mature plants produce new offsets that can be separated and potted on their own.
How to Revive Your Flapjack Succulent If It’s Drooping
If your flapjack succulent’s leaves are drooping, it’s probably because you’re overwatering it. This is a common mistake! Most people don’t realize how little water a flapjack succulent actually needs. Here’s what you can do if you notice that your flapjack succulent is looking a little droopy:
The first thing you’ll want to do is evaluate and tweak your watering routine. Consider these questions: are you waiting until the soil is completely dry before watering your flapjack succulent? This is why it’s a good idea to check how the soil feels before watering it. Too much watering can cause root rot, so it’s really important to keep an eye on this!
You’ll also want to make sure that you’re keeping your flapjack succulent in a place where frequent temperature changes won’t happen. If the temperature is constantly changing, this can, unfortunately, stress out the plant and cause its leaves to droop. Keep temperatures between 65-80°F (18-27°C) if you can, and protect the succulent from drafts. You should also keep it away from heaters and air conditioning vents.
Pests can also cause problems, so you’ll want to be vigilant about checking your flapjack succulent for them. Mealybugs, scale insects, spider mites, and fungal infections can all cause problems. Check your flapjack succulent for signs of infestation — like discolored or misshapen leaves — often. Keeping your flapjack succulent inside will help protect it from these pesky bugs.
How to Repot Your Flapjack Succulent
If necessary, you can transfer your flapjack succulent to a new pot in late summer or fall, after it has already finished blooming. As we mentioned before, you should make sure to choose a pot with drainage holes — preferably one that’s made of clay to help any excess water escape.
Prepare the pot with cactus or succulent soil, then gently plant the succulent. It’s best to choose a pot that’s only slightly larger than its current one, since flapjack succulents thrive when they’re a bit crowded. Be careful about overwatering your flapjack succulent, even if you’ve just replanted it.
More Thoughts
Flapjack succulents, with their paddle-like leaves, are interesting-looking and fun to grow. They’re also pretty easy to propagate, as far as propagating succulents go. This means that they’re a great choice for beginners.
If you happen to live in a hot, dry climate, then that’s especially good news for your flapjack succulent. If you live in a cold, moist climate, you can always grow your flapjack succulent indoors, so don’t worry. Either way, your new plant baby is sure to thrive! Do you want to learn more about growing succulents and cacti? Smart Plants is the best place to go for information about growing and propagating these types of plants. We also offer plenty of information about plant identification and keeping plants alive. If you have questions about succulent or cacti care, don’t hesitate to check out our website!
Reader Questions:
Help ID my “paddle plant”?? and why is it drooping
Hi, I have this really nice succulent. It has bluish, flat paddle-like leaves that have a white powder-like substance coating them.
It’s been putting out new growth (pups), which I have repotted and they are doing great.
I love this thing and I’d really like to know it’s true name.
Also, the lower leaves droop. At first I thought I was overwatering, but the leaves are not mushy at all. Anyone know what may be wrong or is the droopiness normal?
Here’s pix: The mother plant (I have a chopstick holding the main stem upright); the top of the mother plant and also a baby that I repotted.
Hi Leslie Ann, this is the Flapjacks Plant, which you can see more about here: Kalanchoe thyrsiflora. These are extremely drought tolerant plants, so if you’re worried you are overwatering, then you probably are. Give it a good drink, then let them almost totally dry out in between. This is their preferred method of watering, and if the soil is kept too wet, they will pout, and in some cases, die from waterlogged roots.
Most likely what is causing the drooping leaves is lack of light; that and the pale color of the leaves is an indication that the plant needs brighter light with higher intensity – they can take full sun, which turns the leaves a beautiful reddish pink.
Be careful introducing them to full sun; the leaves could sunburn if it happens too fast; acclimate it to a brighter situation by degrees, a half an hour for a couple of days, then gradually more each day so in a week or two, it is fully hardened off.
Hope that helps, Jacki
Comments for Help ID my “paddle plant”?? and why is it drooping
Oct 19, 2016
Stay green! by: Kayla
I was actually doing some research on this plant myself as I have recently bought one, I actually prefer the entire green look not the red and I happened across an article that says the paddles turn red from stress due to direct sun, bright light is just perfect for them and they will stay green that way so while they may be pretty to some you would actually be causing harm to your paddle plant.
Oct 19, 2016
No Permanent Harm by: Jacki
Turning red is a physiological effect of the brightness of the light but it doesn’t actually harm the plant. That’s like saying the leaves of a tree turning red in the fall harms the tree.
Nov 12, 2016
What to do with dead center stalk? by: Mari
Hi – I was so happy to find this webpage…I didn’t know what type of succulent I had and learned it was a paddle leaf kalanchoe! We unfortunately left it out during the first frost and the center stalk leaves died off. But the babies below are still healthy. I took off the dead leaves from the center stalk, but should I leave it alone or cut it off at the base? I’m not sure if it will grow new leaves or if it’s spent and I need to get rid of it. Please advise! Thank you!
Nov 12, 2016
Cut it off by: Jacki
Hi Mari, just cut it off. No point in clinging to something that is dead or dying, it will just suck the energy away from the pups which are healthy. Best of luck with it.
Mar 13, 2017
My paddle plant doesn’t make babies by: Kris
I have the same paddle plant as the drooping one. It lived outside on my south facing deck 2 months before I had to bring it in due to cold weather. I bought a grow light to help it through winter. I live Nebraska. It had red edges for a period of time outside but not since it’s been inside. I’ve never saw babies at he bottom of the stalk. Mine is about 8 inches tall and lives in a container about 9 in wide and 4 in deep along with other succulents. I purchased it that way in July 2016 and now it’s March 2016. It won’t be outdoors again until the end of May.
Mar 13, 2017
Another factor by: Jacki
Kris, sometimes these plants won’t make any pups until they’re under stress. A plant that is only eight inches tall in a giant pot won’t be stressed enough, as in, root bound. Give it time!
Mar 29, 2017
White powdery stuff by: Linda
But what about the white powdery stuff on stem and some leaves that someone else asked about, too?
Mar 29, 2017
More about the powdery stuff here by: Jacki
Linda, lots of people have asked about the powder on these plants, so I’ve written a page about it here; Why is my Succulent Dusty?
May 17, 2017
Paddle plant got burned by: Kris
I brought my paddle plant outside last week on my south facing deck which is where it was last summer and pretty sure the leaves are scorched!! I moved it to my covered front porch for now. What do I do for the burnt leaves?
May 18, 2017
Sunburn by: Jacki
Hi Kris, any plant that has spent the winter indoors runs the risk of sunburn when it’s exposed to intense sunlight. I always recommend treating your succulents just the same as tender baby seedling vegetables, and harden them off over a week or two.
Unfortunately, the leaves won’t heal, but if they are still partially undamaged, they will still be useful to the plant and photosynthesize.
If they’re totally unsightly, cut them off. New leaves will sprout from each axil and these will most likely be a little hardier and less likely to sunburn.
May 18, 2017
Sun burned paddle succulent by: Kris
How long will it take for new leaves? Mine are 1/4 burnt on each leaf. Can I cut off the just the dead part? I would only have the trunk left if I cut the leaves off
May 19, 2017
It will take several weeks by: Jacki
The new growth with emerge in a few weeks, but the leaves will take a month at least to grow to full size.
Yes, you can cut the damaged part off, leave as much as you are able that will still photosynthesize. New growth won’t grow while the leaves are still on the plant though, so if you want to bite the bullet and get it over with, cut them right off.
Good luck with it!
Jun 20, 2017
ground planting by: Julie
Hi – can you plant the paddle plant straight into the ground or does it need to be in a pot?
Jun 21, 2017
Julies question by: Jacki
Hi Julie, of course you can plant it in the ground, rather than a pot! However, these are not a cold hardy plant, so if you want it to survive the winter if you get frost in your area, dig it up (or propagate it) well before the risk of frost.
Jul 03, 2017
Plant can’t stand in its own by: Kelly
My paddle plant used to have larger leaves at the base that seemed to keep it balanced. Those have died off and now the plant needs support to stay upright. How can I resolve this? I thought about doing clippings, but i don’t have the pups you described.
Jul 03, 2017
Support with a Stake? by: Jacki
Kathy, can you insert a thin stick like a chopstick or even a piece of wire clothes hanger into the pot right beside the plant to hold it up? Make sure it’s getting enough light and isn’t stretching to reach it.
Jul 17, 2017
drooping leaves by: Robbie
I have several of these paddle plants and after the stalk or main plant gets some height to it the bottom half of the leaves start to curl under. What causes this?
Jul 17, 2017
Answer for Robbie by: Jacki
Robbie, the leaves curl under for a couple of reasons, the main one seems to be that it’s not bright enough for it. They like full sun, and if they’re not getting it, they show their displeasure in this way.
The other reason is that as the leaves at the bottom of the stalk age, they do eventually fall off or shrivel up. The drooping is the first step in this process.
Nov 04, 2017
spider mites? by: hannah
my paddle plant is starting to dry up on the edges, but I water it regularly. Another house plant of mine, had spider mites :(. could the leaves dying be from sider mites? should i treat the plant?
Nov 04, 2017
Spider Mites by: Jacki
The usual look of spider mite damage is that the leaves almost look metallic, and dried out. By all means treat the plant with insecticidal soap.
Jun 05, 2018
Rolling paddle plant by: Betsy
I have had my paddle plant for about six months. A few months ago when I went to water it, I noticed it was rolling around and looked like it hadn’t grown roots into the soil, though I noticed some roots growing up around the leaves.
I did a little research and believed this was from watering too infrequently. I dug a deeper hole in the pot, replanted to paddle plant, and implemented a more consistent water schedule. After 2ish months, I am still having the same problem.
Any ideas why my paddle plant won’t stay put? It is pretty small so it is not from the weight of the stalk/leaves. Thanks for the help!
Jun 05, 2018
Note to Betsy by: Jacki
I think it is most likely still getting too much water. Why would it have to delve deeper into the soil if the water is right there? Try leaving it to dry out almost completely between waterings. Don’t worry, they’re tough, they can take it.
Sep 10, 2018
Paddle plant falling over by: Sara
My paddle plant is about 16 inches tall. The leaves at the top are large, fleshy and pointing upwards. The leaves at the bottom are drooping down (they are smaller than the top leaves but not mushy).
The plant is too top-heavy to stand up by itself.
I have tried holding it up with stakes but it keeps falling over. I was thinking of cutting it, removing the bottom leaves, putting it in rooting powder and replanting the top. Any suggestions?
Sep 10, 2018
Note to Sara by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Your plant most likely needs more light to stay compact, which will help it to stand up better.
By all means chop off its head – then new growth will emerge from below the cut, making it more bushy. You may not even need rooting hormone. Just let it dry out (callous) overnight so it doesn’t rot.
Oct 16, 2018
When is it safe to report a pup for Kalanchoe Luciae? by: Crystal
Hi! I have a paddle plant that has stayed compact on my westward facing front porch all spring and summer. I have just brought it inside since the nights are dropping to the 50s Fahrenheit (soon to drop lower). It has one thriving pup thays been in the same pot for about 3 or 4 months now and since fall is their dormant season, when can I safely cut the pup and repot? I read somewhere to wait to repot these plants in February.
Oct 16, 2018
Note to Crystal by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
If you have a grow light and plan to keep it under lights until spring, repot any time. If it’s going to be allowed to go dormant, wait until the end of dormancy.
Oct 20, 2018
Paddle plant not growing by: Lisa
Someone gifted me this plant and told me it will grow like a runner when planted in the ground. Well i planted it, and nothing. Looks just like it did 6 months ago. Should i give up and just put it back in a pot?
Oct 20, 2018
Note to Lisa by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
I don’t know where you are, Lisa, but if it’s getting cooler, even if there’s no frost, there’s little chance that it will grow much.
Sometimes it takes a long time for a plant to get established before it takes off.
Growing them in pots makes it possible for them to feel confined more, and make top growth. I would give it more time.
Nov 16, 2018
Petals by: Valeria
My dog chewed off all the petals from my plant. Will my plant re-grow those petals if the stem is still rooted?
Nov 16, 2018
Note to Valeria by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Petals? Those are parts in the flower. Do you mean the leaves? Yes, it will grow more from the axils (where the leaves attached to the stem).
Dec 05, 2018
Kalanchoe luciae is really tall and skinny by: Stephanie
My luciae is about 3 years old and just recently it has gotten way too tall and really skinny.it’s now in the shape of an L and not bushy at all. I live in Florida and it gets lots of light. Why is it doing this? I’ve gotten 3 little pups at the base that I’ve already propagated. Plus it’s completely green. No red tips at all
Dec 05, 2018
Note to Stephanie by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
That’s the problem with this plant. It requires beheading to force it to bush out and get more compact.
I bought my flapjack not along ago and he was doing great sitting out in the sun. But now he has all these brown spots all over him.
Feb 05, 2019
Note To Sarah by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Sarah, I would need to know more, and see some pictures of what’s happening to help. Go to the Ask the Horticulturist page here.
Mar 19, 2019
How Can I Help My Flapjack? by: Gina
Hello! I got one of these a few years ago, and it seems like it’s been growing too much for its own good. It’s about three feet tall at this point and cannot stand on its own, so I have it staked up in its pot.
It’s currently inside for the winter with an LED, it has nearly flawless leaves with red edges and has given me two babies (removed and repotted). But the taller it gets, the more leaves towards the bottom fall off while new ones keep coming out the top.
It’s just a very long stem at this point with a few good layers of nice looking paddles. What would you recommend I do?
Mar 19, 2019
Note to Gina by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
This is typical of a plant that is just barely getting enough light.
The upper growth is where the energy is going, leaving the lower leaves to fall off.
The best thing to do is chop it off and re-root some nice growth from the top, and maybe a couple of lower bits will make good cuttings, and then the bottom (bare) piece will grow more leaves and become much more bushy.
This is called ‘removing apical dominance’ otherwise known as beheading or pruning.
More about how to prune succulents here. Although this article shows a different kind of plant, the principles are the same.
Apr 25, 2019
Crusty plant by: Emma
I bought a paddle plant recently but it only has about 3 leaves but the leaves are crusty in some places. Is there anything I can do to fix this?
Apr 26, 2019
Note to Emma by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Unfortunately, any leaves that are already damaged won’t recover their former glory. Patience and time are the only thing you can do. New leaves will emerge.
Jun 05, 2019
Paddle plant turned to green color by: Ekta
Hey, I bought the plant 2 months back. at that time leaves were dark red borders and looks so beautiful. now its summner and after 2 months all the leaves are turned green. do you know why?
Jun 05, 2019
Note to Ekta by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
The leaves will only be red in full sun, and without over watering. The drought and heat stresses them a bit and gives them the gorgeous color. They’re fine, but that coloration is the thing to aim for.
Jun 22, 2019
New leaves soft and drooping by: Niki
Hi, I have a fairly large paddle plant with 5 separate offsets. It’s been doing great until recently I’ve noticed the upper new leaves are becoming soft and drooping. It’s been under a LED light and I think I’ve been watering sparingly enough. What could be the reason for this?
Jun 22, 2019
Not enough light by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Hi Niki, these plants absolutely need very intense light – one LED is not going to give it enough, even if it’s on for the full twelve hours that I recommend. For a big plant, that’s like shining a flashlight on the top leaves. The bottom leaves require light too. As soon as possible in your area, get it outside into full sun (slowly, so it doesn’t get sunburned).
Aug 22, 2019
Soggy leaves by: Tamy I
Good evening. My plant leaves are becoming soggy/mushy and falling off. I just moved the plant to morning sun, but I’m not sure what is happening. Is there a way to add a picture?
I’m not able to get pictures in the comments, Tamy I but if you start a new thread here I’ll have a better idea what’s going on.
Jan 25, 2020
Stem broke by: Adrieanna
Hi there! I’ve had this plant since October of 2019 and it has been doing so great. Today I noticed it was leaning sideways so I went to take a look and the stem broke! It broke right below the soil and so now I have this top half with all the beautiful leaves that I’m trying to save. Any suggestions on what to do with the upper half that broke off? Should I keep the Lower half in soil and see if it regrows?
Jan 25, 2020
Note for Adrieanna by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
I would need to see pictures of what the remnants look like, Adrieanna. Please post here; Ask the Horticulturist
Feb 24, 2020
Sad plant 🙁 by: Micah
My friend was gifted a small paddle plant but we noticed the leaves are heavily drooping on the bottom. We find out it’s due to overwatering. What should we do in the meantime to nurse it back to health? Also, how long will the leaves spring back up after being relocated to a south-facing window?
Feb 24, 2020
Note for Micah by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but it’s likely that the drooping leaves won’t ‘bounce back’. You may have to cut them off, especially if they show any signs of rotting. Without pictures, it’s impossible for me to give you any advice. If you need more detailed advice, post your own submission with some pictures.
Apr 14, 2020
Flowering help by: Annaj
Hello i have a paddle plant its getting huge its loving where it is situated but its flowering. I’m not sure if i should snip off the flower stem or keep it? I live in Australia so its never had an issue growing in the hot sun
Apr 14, 2020
Note to Annja by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
If your plant has finished flowering, by all means cut it off as low down as you can. Until then, enjoy it.
May 09, 2020
Flapjack paddle plant by: Kim
My Flapjack paddle plant looks like its reddish but there is some yellow I was wondering does it need full sun constantly?
Jul 07, 2020
Flapjack paddle plant help needed by: Diana
Jackie – I hope you are still replying to these inquiries because I need your help. I keep reading about how flapjacks can grow outdoors in Zone 9 and need full sun to retain their reddish edges, but whenever I move mine from a partial sun exposure to full sun for just a couple of hours, the leaves flop open and go really soft. If I move them back to a shadier spot (quickly enough), they’ll regain firmness overnight. I live in zone 9 but in suffocatingly hot and humid Mississippi. Is the type of heat here not conducive to Kalanchoe luciae/thyrsiflora? I don’t want pale, etoliated plants… Thank you!
Jul 07, 2020
Note to Diana by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
From your description, I wonder if the plant needs more time to adjust to the brighter conditions.
At times, the leaves will change to a different angle, but not sure if yours are doing this in response to too much light / heat all at once, or some other reason.
You’re right; high humidity is not the best for these desert plants. They have evolved to live in very dry climates, both soil and air.
Jul 24, 2020
Paddle Plant by: Karen
I live in FL andI recently repotted my paddle plants and changed their location.
They were previously located where they get bright light in the morning and part of the afternoon on my porch. Now they are located where there’s full sun til about 1pm.
My problem is it has been raining (like it does most afternoons in FL) the rain has come down hard at times and most all day it has been cloudy.
Most of the leaves now have a big reddish splotch on them, pretty large in size. They were only green and no red edges. That was why I moved them to were they would have more sunlight,which hasn’t happened yet.
Do the large red splotches mean the leaves are damaged? Should I remove them? I’m going to move them back where I had them as I’m afraid with our mostly rainy afternoons they are getting too much water. I have had these for 20 yrs and would have them stay green then lose them.
Jul 24, 2020
Note to Karen by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Karen, I would need to see pictures. Please go to the Ask the Horticulturist page and we can figure this out together.
Jul 27, 2020
closing and opening? by: Paula
My new paddle plant is doing well but I’ve noticed it sometimes closes up in the middle and after I’ve watered it opens up again. Am I doing the right thing? Thanks
Jul 27, 2020
Pics and More Info by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Paula, I would need to see pictures of what’s going on, the size of the plant relative to the size of the pot, type of soil etc etc etc. There are just too many variables here.
Jul 28, 2020
Not sure how to upload photos to this site by: Paula
Hi, I will upload a photo but don’t know how to do that on this site. Thanks
Jul 28, 2020
Note to Paula by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
My flapjack plants stem keeps dropping and I don’t know what it needs. I just repotted it but do you know what else it needs?
Sep 02, 2020
Paddle drooping by: Marc
My new paddle plant all of a sudden started to droop it’s leaves, it has barely been watered, however it may have gotten some blow over rain the other night. It is still in the original 4″ container, and soil seems to be dry now. It is reviving full sun for a few hours each day, while under a pTio umbrella. I live in Phoenix,AZ, so sun is not a problem. However this is monsoon season and the dew point is rather high (67F) now. Also the temps are in the 105F range. That being said, it was in a greenhouse at the nursurey. Maybe it’s just in a shock, too hot, or needs re-potting/fresh soil? The new smaller leaves, about 2″ lenghth, are still erect. This is my first time at this site, so haven seen how to attach photo.
Sep 02, 2020
Note to Marc by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
You will have to submit your picture and question on the correct page, not here in the long list of comments; go to the Ask The Horticulturist page.
Nov 11, 2020
Paddle plant leaves falling off with slightest touch by: Autumn
I was checking over my plants the other day and with a slight touch my paddle plant leaves fell off. I have repotted it but not watered again as i thought it may be over watering. The stem is very white but the leaves still look healthy. I have had 2 new leaves previous that have grown well but the newest set of leaves to grow are taking considerably longer. I wasn’t sure if these were related. Any advise would be much appreciated.
Nov 11, 2020
Note to Autumn by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
You will have to submit your picture and question on the correct page, not here in the long list of comments; go to the Ask The Horticulturist page.
Jul 10, 2021
Growing pains by: Ktg
I also recently got one of these babies and I moved her outside about two weeks ago and I noticed over the last few days it’s been stretching up and getting taller, is that normal?
Jul 10, 2021
Note to Ktg by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
You will have to submit your picture and question on the correct page, not here in the long list of comments; go to the Ask The Horticulturist page.
Aug 03, 2021
Drooping stem immediately after purchase by: Sara
Hi, I bought a flapjack plant two days ago, and it was standing at about 12 inches when I got it. About two hours after I brought it home and put it outside in the shade, the stem and leaves completely dropped to the floor. Is there any advice you can give me ?
Aug 03, 2021
Note to Sara by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Again; You will have to submit your picture and question on the correct page, not here in the long list of comments; go to the Ask The Horticulturist page.