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by Phillip
(Woodside, NY)


Front view with hanging branches


I brought this plant home during an office move (they were getting rid of all the old plants). I haven’t had any luck identifying it, other than knowing it must be some type of succulent (a friend who is experienced with plants said it reminded him of a type of Jade plant, but still different).

It has several hanging “branches,” with many thick, fleshy, and smooth leaves (yellow, with the middle a “blotchy” green; average leave size is a 2 inches across, 2.5 inches long).

I haven’t watered it very often, but when ever I do, I notice that the plant emits a pronounced aroma, reminiscent of curry.

I’ve had the plant for a few months now, and it seems to be doing just fine – but I hope to positively identify it so I can properly care for it (I’ve noticed some of the newer leaves seem less “full”).

Thank you for your help!

Hi Phillip, this is the second time today that someone has asked me about the same plant! Yours is a variegated type of Peperomia obtusifolia, which you can find out more about here.

They’re easy to grow, which explains why they do so well in office situations; you are the lucky recipient of a great plant!

Comments for Thick Fleshy Yellow-Green Leaves with Hanging Branches

May 18, 2013

Thank you, Jacki!
by: Anonymous

Thank you so much for quickly identifying my plant! I’m grateful for the info.