by Caroline Fike
(Greeneville, TN)
View 1
A tiny, many segmented succulent. Has multiple thin segmented branches, in all about 4 inches high. It appeared in the pot of a plant (not a succulent) I purchased from a nursery.
Comments for Stowaway succulent
Aug 27, 2014
Timely response
by: Caroline
Thanks, Jacki, for the quick reply to my request! Now I can incorporate this lovely little plant in a display I plan to use as a horticulture entry in the Knox County Council of Garden Clubs show in Knoxville, TN, this month. I think you have just launched me into a new and fascination hobby!
Aug 27, 2014
Great score!
by: Jacki
I love getting free plants, even if they’re hitch hikers and stowaways. This little cutie is Crassula muscosa, known as Watch Chain, because that’s what the old time pocket watches were attached to. Other names it gets called, other than cute, are Clubmoss Crassula, Rattail Crassula and Princess Pine.
Although this plant is related to the Jade Plant, it looks nothing like it. It does prefer the same conditions though, so keep it on the dry side, in bright light, where it will thrive.
You can see more about this genus and more about this species here.