by Kaden
(Bismark, North Dakota, USA)

This image of a plant is on your website. I have two and would like to know what it is. I been told it might be a Senecio but im not sure. I got one from a friend and the other one from a store. I would prefer to know the scientific name of the plant if possible.
Comments for Plant on your website?
Feb 16, 2020
No Problem
by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist
Hi Kaden, there is a Senecio that looks similar, however it’s not the dark green of this guy which is Kalanchoe ‘Elk Antlers’. As a hybrid, it’s not really identified as one species or another. I’m thinking it arose naturally out of self seeding, so the originator wasn’t too sure which parents gave it life. Maybe they had several different species, so it’s not possible to narrow it down to where the DNA came from.
It’s a great little plant – you’re so lucky to have two of them!
Here’s more information on Kalanchoe ‘Elk Antlers’.