book3 600x120 6

by AP
(Philadelphia, PA)


Purchased at Home Depot, labeled as “succulent”

I need to know what it is to make sure it’s safe to cats.

Drought Smart Plants reply:

Hi AP, I think it’s safe to assume that most succulent plants are toxic to plants. One that is this ‘grass-like’ will be especially dangerous, as that’s what cats are after when they eat your plants.

There are a fair number of them that can cause some really severe reactions such as renal failure, which is very unpleasant for you and your pet.

To keep growing your collection safely, it’s important to have some plants that are okay for your pet to eat, maybe keeping them in a place with easier access. Barley green is a great option, and simple to start. Grow several pots of it, and replace with fresh pots when chewed enough.

See also this page on poisonous succulent plants.

If you’re at all worried about your cat gaining access to your collection, why not look for some old bird cages to set over them? This prevents your pet from eating them, while still allowing you to enjoy and care for them.

It’s not worth the risk, if your cat is at all precious to you.

Good luck,

Comments for labeled as “succulent”

Aug 07, 2011
succulent ID
by: Labour of Love

It’s a Bromeliad, but I can’t tell you which one. I have a similar one with horizontally-striped leaves that (otherwise) looks just like your photo.

Apr 18, 2012
by: Anonymous

This is a Cryptanthus. It needs more light to bring out the pink colour in the leaves. it is a type of bromeliad.