by Helen

How Long Should Succulents Be Under Grow Lights
As winter approaches, the temperature cools and leaves turn. At this point, you will need to bring in your succulents to prevent them from the damages caused by freezing.
Your home can provide the ideal temperature for your succulents, but what about the light? Have you considered this factor? Should grow lights be used and if yes how long should succulents be under grow lights?
These are important questions that need to be answered if your succulents are to thrive. In this article, we will answer these questions and more. There’s a lot to learn so let’s get started, shall we?
When’s The Appropriate Time to Bring in Succulents?
Some succulents such as hardy sedums and sempervivum can thrive outdoors all year round (even through the freezing winter days). However, most other succulents get damaged when exposed to extremely cold temperatures. Hence, it is important that once winter sets in, your succulent should be taken indoors.
But before doing that, examine the plant, remove dead leaves and foliage, and any insect you may find. Also, clean the pots properly. It’s best to bring in your succulents when the outdoor temperature has dropped to about the 40’S (that’s approximately 5oC). Your home’s temperature will be more suitable for your tender succulents but you may have to adjust your watering schedule as the plants will require less water when indoors.
However, the biggest challenge comes with lighting. Yes, some succulents may be happy with your indoor lighting and may be able to thrive, many on the other hand will need more than that to survive. As you are already aware, light is necessary for photosynthesis, this provides the needed energy for growth and reproduction. But without adequate light, your plants stretch and become etiolated and even in severe cases, they may die. Hence, if you notice the succulents stretching, it may be an indication that they are not getting enough light.
Do Succulents Require Grow Lights To Survive?
It is not a necessity. If there’s a window where your succulent can get enough light from all day long, then they are likely to survive the winter days. However, during winter, the days are shorter hence they won’t be able to get as much light as they would have gotten during summer.
If succulents are unable to get enough light, it’s just a matter of time before they start to stretch out and then begin to lose their compact shape as well as their bright colors. They may still be alive and but not as healthy as when there is enough light. Most often, the shorter days of winter will result in stretching of succulents, therefore you must find a way to provide adequate light for your succulent such that the short days do not affect the amount of light supplied.
The answer to this lies in a grow light. It helps to keep your plant colorful and compact. It also aids in the addition of more bright light during the hours of the day. There have been cases where succulents are kept indoor for several winters without the aid of a grow light and they have been fine. However, by the time spring rolls in, many of these succulents become more elongated; many often trim them up and thereafter plant the succulents before taking them outside. However, you can decide to prevent the stretching by purchasing a grow light.
How Long Should Succulents Be Under Grow Lights?
For succulents, there is a growing period and a dormant period. Winter is generally the dormant period of all succulents and so they will require less light when kept outside but if they are indoors, they can take as much light as possible.
When succulents are kept indoors, they won’t be subjected to true dormancy when growing unless this is being forced with a change in light and temperature. All succulents require darkness every day if they are to maintain a healthy growth cycle, but they also require at least six hours of sunlight daily to thrive.
To answer the question of how long succulents should be under grow light, you can leave them for about twelve to fourteen hours. This means the grow lights mimic natural daylight plus some extra hours more. The length of time can be monitored using a timer. When purchasing a grow light, it’s important to purchase one with low heat output, as some very hot lights can burn your plant.
What Grow Lights Should I Purchase?
Many other questions are asked in this session. Such as what grow light should be used, how much grow light is needed, what color of light should be purchased and how far the light should be from the succulents and many other relevant questions. With regards to this, here are a few to consider:
Q: What light should be purchased?
A: The best light to use is the fluorescent light (CFLs) or bulbs (T5/T8 bulbs)
Q: What color of grow light should be bought?
A: It’s best to go for a Daylight spectrum (especially one with a color temperature of 6500K)
Q: How much distance should be kept between the succulent and the grow light?
A: A distance of about 6 to 12 inches should be kept between the fluorescent and the succulent (but only if you are using a fluorescent bulb)
Q: How many lights should be bought?
A: This depends on the number of plants. the more the plants, the more the number of grow lights needed
The tips given above were collated based on efficiency and cost-effectiveness. That being said, there are other more expensive options to consider some of which are even more effective than the ones listed. Fluorescent grow lights are a good option to consider as they are readily available and are efficient too.
The most confusing part of the questions answered is in regards to the color of light to be used used and how many the lights should be. The most common types of light used are red light and blue light. Blue lights have a daylight temperature of 6500K and provide the light that is as close to nature as possible. Also, note that for succulents to grow properly under grow light, it will be best to use a 3000K bulb.
With regards to the amount of light needed, it’s generally recommended that you get as much light as possible. Also, having this light shine directly on your succulent is a good idea; this may not be possible in small spaces though. However, the whole idea is that if you have plants in 1 foot by 4-foot space, then you should use a light that covers 1 foot by 4 feet space. Grow lights could be bought online or from a local store.
Wrap Up
While your plants can do without a grow light in a well-lighted interior space, grow light is still needed as it helps your plants get enough light for proper growth and development. With grow light many questions arise one of which is how long should succulents be under grow lights?
We believe this article has successfully answered the question. We have also been able to give you many more tips that will help your succulents have the best indoor growth experience you can imagine. Now it’s time for your plants to blossom as they should, and you have us to thank for that.
Author Bio: The article written by Helen Reed, founder of Let’s Tend The Garden. Here is a place where backyard enthusiasts and lovers of gardening can gather to find the best content on the web (we think so, anyway).