book4 600x120 2

by Megan



Would you be able to help me identify this plant? I bought it at a local store with succulents but there was no tag. Now that it’s bigger I absolutely love it and need to know what it is in case it dies lol. Please let me know if you need additional pictures.

Thank you!

Comments for Identify Plant

Jun 22, 2021

by: Jacki Cammidge, Certified Horticulturist

I’m pretty sure this is Senecio decaryi, no common name that I know of. Gorgeous plants! Here is a link to an image search;

One thing to look for (which doesn’t show in the pictures) is fine pin-striping down the leaves. If it doesn’t have this, maybe it’s something else. Flowers would be a defining characteristic; they would be yellow and daisy-like.

You should be able to propagate it easily, they root quickly.

Jun 22, 2021

Senecio Decaryi
by: Megan

Thank you so much! I believe you are absolutely correct based on pictures. 🙂