by Danielle
We have searched everywhere and can’t find a picture resembling this plant.
It appears to be an aloe with hard, dark green leaves.
Plant is growing straight up and not out. Leaves are short. Plant is about 4-5 inches tall and in a terrarium..
Hi Danielle, this little guy is one of those plants most often misidentified as Aloe, for good reason; they really do look just like them.
One way that you can rule out Aloe (generally) is by the regular sharpish thorns on the edges of the leaves; Haworthia, which this is, tend to have many fine serrations, rather than individual thorns.
The texture of the leaves is pretty distinctive too, although there are a few that are very similar, to the point of overlapping.
I don’t know what this one is exactly, but that might give you somewhere to start looking.
You can see more about Haworthia here.
Hope that helps get you on track!
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