Get the answers here

There are many questions that people ask, ranging from how do I download the ebooks on your site? to what is the best way to check for other pages about this topic?
Here I’ve compiled some of the answers to these Frequently Asked Questions.
If the answer you seek is not here, please contact me.
I’ve paid for my download – now how do I get it onto my computer?
E-Books: To pay for and download your e-book choice, here are step by step instructions:
First of all, click on the Buy Now/Add to Cart button below your choice of book.
This will take you to a Paypal checkout page, where you will choose either your Paypal Account (if you have one) or your choice of Credit Card that you wish to use to pay for it.
Double check that the information is correctly filled in, and pay for the e-book.
Then you’ll be automatically returned to your download, where you can download the book to your hard drive.
Please remember that these are not actual books, printed on paper. They are digital, which means that you store them on your computer, and you can access them whenever you wish (you don’t need to be online to do this).
Remember where you put the book – make sure it is in a file that you will recognize the name, and keep the file name of the book as it is.
Do you take payments via credit card?
All payments on this website are secure, and through Paypal.
If you don’t have a Paypal account, you can purchase using an e-transfer through your online bank – contact me for the details you’ll need for this option.
Site Maps are a useful place to look for more information about a topic. The link to the main site map is at the top of the nav bar on most pages of this site, or click here to find it: Site Map. Here you’ll also find links to other portions of this site.
Image Resizing:
To send me a picture, or to upload your image to Succulent Plant Identification, please resize your image to under 100 kb – the image can be reduced in pixels too, to around 400×300 pixels, which is more than adequate for size of the page that it will display on, without losing too much in quality.
I use a free picture editing software – my software of choice is, which is an excellent and intuitive alternative to other more expensive options. Get your free download here:
If you want to identify a particular plant, I ask that you go to the Facebook page to post. It’s much more convenient!
Alternately, you can go to the Succulent Identification page, where you can make a small payment for me to do it for you.
The advertisements you see on this site are what pays the bills. Without them, I would be unable to provide all the free content here. Now, being retired and disabled (see My New Normal) it’s more important than ever for me to have consistent revenue from my websites.
Although they are annoying, thank you for understanding.