by Hannah
I bought this succulent along with many others, and was curious about what its name was.. Thanks for your help!!
Comments for Yet another unknown succulent
Jan 30, 2015
Sedum rubrotinctum or similar
by: Jacki
There are a ton of Sedum species, many of them hardy to cold, but this one seems to me to be something like one of the Sedum rubrotinctum varieties. It’s also called the Jelly Bean stonecrop, or pork and beans.
Again, they need a bright warm place, with dry soil. Don’t be too kind to them, because they really prefer benign neglect.
The types that are not hardy to cold temperatures are best grown in pots outside for the summer, then brought in to overwinter indoors with very little water – especially if you don’t have enough light for them.
You might want to sign up for the Winterizing Succulents E-Course for more detailed instructions.