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i received a cutting root of a succulent plant from a friend. she nor i know the name of this plant.
would anyone know what it is called so i can google for its care.

Drought Smart Plants reply:

This one’s easy – one of my favorite genera!

This one is either Haworthia attenuata, or Haworthia fasciata – these two are very similar, and are mixed up in the trade, so without really close examination it’s difficult to identify them.

However, they both need the same care.

Although they look very similar to Aloe, they need much lower light levels (if it’s too bright for them, they’ll turn orange) and a little more moisture.

This makes them a good plant for the beginner grower, as they’re very forgiving of slight overwatering.

See the page on Haworthia for more information.


Comments for unknown-i call him spikey

Aug 07, 2011

by: Anonymous

thank you so much. i believe mine is Haworthia fasciata..and when i saw my orange/browny leaves, i thought they were dead so i snipped them off.

hopefully the rest of the center will grow and fill out pot and make babies.

Drought Smart Plants reply;
They’ll fill in nicely – they grow from the center, so the older leaves gradually fall off anyway. If they were orange, that usually means they are in too bright light, and it’s too hot.