by Lorna
(Naboomspruit, South Africa)

Hi,someone gave me a lovely huernia(I think it’s one!) but I can’t find a photo of it anywhere.
The stems look like a Huernia, and the flowers are in a group of about 8,on a single stem. Would like to know the name of this one. Thank you!
Hi Lorna, the stems certainly look like Huernia, but that is one different looking flower. Are they scented, I wonder?
Also, I wonder if the flowers are fully open. In some of the listings I found, the flowers are the same pale yellow/gold color, but much more open.
Here are a few possible culprits:
Huernia quinta
H. primulina
H. verekeri
Hopefully, those will get you on track, but you may have to continue searching for more information; there doesn’t seem to be a lot of detail in some of the listings.
Best of luck!
Comments for Unknown Huernia,very pretty!
Apr 11, 2013
Unknown Huernia
by: Lorna
Thanks for your feedback,Jacki. No,the flowers are not fully open,and they do have a bad odour…the bluebottles are very interested! I’ll have a look at those you mentioned. Thanks again!
Jan 31, 2014
Unknown plant id?
by: Anonymous
looks more like an orbea than huernia. maybe orbea lutea?