by Les
(Michigan )

About the size of a quater, pinkish tinted leaves. growing zone 6, growing it indoors. its a succulent drought resistant plant. not sure of the name of what it is.
Hi Les, this is one of the toughest and most reliable drought tolerant plants – Sedum spurium varieties that have this color leaves are a classic garden plant too, not just for xeriscaping.
The red or mahogany varieties are great butterfly attractants, but they really need to be grown outdoors. If you can stand to do it, put this guy outside, as they have all kinds of problems indoors. For one thing, it’s not bright enough for them, and they are prone to getting aphids or other pests.
You can see more about a few different red creeping stonecrop here: Sedum spurium ‘Dragons Blood’, it’s close cousin ‘Fuldaglut’ or ‘Fireglow’ and the darker purple ‘Voodoo’
Hope that helps,
Comments for unidenitfied pinkish leafy succlent plant
May 05, 2013
Pinkish keafy succkent plant
by: LES
Jacki thak ypou very much for you help in id. this plant. I was given this in a class that i am taking for a degre in turf and green house management. This is my last class in advance hort. i will be getting my degree this month. I will pass along your web site to my instructor along with the recommendation to move this plant outdoors.
Congratulations on your career choice, Les! Best of luck with your future endeavors,