this plant has a pattern like tiger stripes (light green and dark green), with long, pointed oval leaves.
can you please help me identify it?
Comments for thick green leaves like a pineapple
Oct 17, 2021
Sanseviera trifasciata ‘Hahnii”
by: cereusly steve
That looks nothing like a pineapple. Its Sansevieria trifasciata ‘Hahnii’.
Feb 07, 2015
Mother in Laws Tongue
by: Jacki
Otherwise known as Sanseveria these are cast iron plants – a great choice for rooms without a ton of light, because they really don’t mind dim conditions.
This one is most likely one of the modern hybrids, of which there are lots.
This plant used to be very popular in atriums and lobbies of big buildings, because they don’t require much care at all, and can withstand drought, dry air and neglect.
They need dusting once in a while, so you can spray with tepid water, but otherwise they are bug free and easy to grow.