The Puzzling Mystery of Succulent Plants
These succulents have an identity, thanks to many readers, and a bit of detective work.
Often, a plant will look totally different in a different set of growing conditions.
Without access to the same variables, and the space to grow lots of the same plant, it’s hard to identify some plants with this habit.
The best and only way to give your plants the correct care that they need to grow into healthy happy specimens is to know what they are.
Unless you know this crucial bit of information, how will you know how often to water?
Or what kind of soil they prefer?
What kind (and amount) of light they need to grow to be their very best?
It’s so exciting to know when to expect blooms, and what special care your plants need to trigger the flowering cycle.
Some plants need certain temperatures, combined with distinct light levels, and a range of other conditions to be met before they’ll produce flowers.
See more about Flowering Succulents here.
The more I know about these fascinating plants, the more I am amazed at their variations, wide diversity of habitats, textures, growing conditions and beauty.
Use a short description in the box below, and you can find all other plants already in the list;
Still looking for your plant? Ask on the Succulent Plant Identification page, or look here for more succulent identification mysteries that are solved.
What Other Visitors Have Said
Click below to see contributions from other visitors to this page…
Daisy-like flowers which open and close.
This plant has been my pride and joy all summer. It has bloomed constantly and is really easy to care for. Even now in October it´s producing new …
Rescue project
So I’m schlepping through Walmart minding my own business when I spot this forlorn little plant all by itself. It was in a decorative galvanized tin …
heart shaped serrated leafs
Hi I was wondering if you can please help me identify this plant that I got for my birthday along with 2 others that look like it and each one has different …
Unknown succulents
Hi! So a couple days ago, i bought some succulents from Home Depot. I have identified most of them, but there are three that I don’t know about. The …
Tiny succulent with whitish flowers
I have a small plant that is only about an inch wide. I’ve had it for about 10 years, it sends shooters out to spread and has tiny hairs on the leaves. …
Sprouty Succulent
It looks blue/green with quite a lot of stems. very sprouty, i have named him Sir Sprout but i need to know more about Sir Sprout
name this plant
I live in vancouver BC canada. This plant is growing somewhat wild on my block. It is beautiful, sweetly fragrant, vining? Can you identify it for me?
Volunteer Succulent Growing in Boulder crack
I discovered this little succulent growing wild in a hidden place on our property. It was growing out of a boulder in a pine grove. It gets some sun …
Unknown tender succulent with pink flowers
Blue green succulent with stalky leaves on a branch with pink flowers. I took a clipping off of some potted succulents on tables at a restaurant off …
Small unknown succulent (?)
So I bought this plant the other day since it was the only one of its kind there. After taking it home I realised: what was its kind anyway? I tried searching …
This is a hanging plant
A friend brought me a clipping from this plant which she saw in a Tampa, Florida mall. From the pictures she showed me it came from a hanging basket. …
Possible pachyveria
Picked this unlabeled one up from a superstore and repotted it into a container with better drainage (as seen in the picture, next to the aloe vera). It’s …
Short and chubby, thin and erratic.
I bought these two at a pharmacy where I work because they looked lonely but there were never any identifiers on them. I was actually afraid the small …
Dark green (sometimes turning purple) fuzzy foliage
Last year I ordered a lot of 200 bare root succulents to use as favours at my wedding. I kept the ones that were left and did my best to keep them …
Trailing segmented succulent
Trailing succulent. Very delicate stems. Grows up in shoots then slowly bends and starts hanging down with segments and branches growing off of the shoots. …
Identifying this plant. (HELP PLEASE)
Hello, i picked up this plant at ikea furniture store, its labbeled as succulent assorted. I have looked for identification, picture, info..everywhere …
Little $3.00 plant growing out of the pot
My wife picked up a plant with 4 types of succulents two years ago. What appears to be the Sedum Nussbaumerianum has grown out of the pot with long …
Longish Thick Pre-flower Stem
aloe like mystery succulent
It has hand like claws on each leaf and spines. Since its moved outside the leaves are curling toward center of plant. Growth pattern is mirrored, like …
Small Green Succulent
I bought this on clearance at a drug store. It is light green with thick, almost cyllindrical leaves. The pictures offer the best description.
Could you tell the name?
Could you tell name of this succulent for me please and how take care of that. Thanks a lot.
succulent plant discovered on Lanzarote, Canary Islands
these plants were found growing in abundance in sandy conditions in Lanzarote. I would like to be able to identify this plant for general care and possible …
I need help identiffiing my plant
The plant was a gift – I don’t know were the previous owner got it from. I live in usa massachusetts east side please if you can help i would greatly …
Need help in identifying this plant
Hi Jackie, I was given this plant as a gift and have no idea what it could be. My guessing is that it is a Hawaiian Ti. Am i right ?? And if so , how …
Help to identify succulents
We bought these in a store but there was no information about them. We would like to know the names so that we may look up how to care for them Hi …
Jewel-like, Gummi Plant
Not sure if it’s a succulent, but dying to know what it is. I see these on the Sunset Cliffs, San Diego and they are like a tiny treasure. They look like …
These little guys look like a bunch of alien eyes looking up at you. We call them the minions. I got them from Flora Grubb in San Francisco and have completely …
Indoor from tenn or southern region
Round green shiny leaves 2inches in diameter dark red on back of leaves Hi Liz, these are some of my favorite little plants; although they’re not …
6 unidentified succulents
I recently bought 6 succulents from Lowe’s but they were not labeled. They are kept inside but I’ve only had them for a few days. I think the fuzzy one …
Flower is getting the best of me
My step mom is really interested in Identifying this flower because she would like to plant some I don’t have any information on it which I know will make …
Again not a succulent but…
Hey Jacki, I have this little guy that I got from ikea. It’s has small leaves on chubby and juicy pink stems that seem to crawl horizontally rather …
Pedilanthus macrocarpus
no idea, my friend took the picture and sent it to me Ruben, without knowing something (anything!) about this plant, like where it is growing, if it’s …
fuzzy baby utah plant?
its a weird little plant with a pink/ magenta stem and it looks like it is covered in sugar crystals. can you tell me what this is please. This is …
A assortment of misfits
I have number of succulents/cacti I have collected in the last year, however they are all reaching sizes that lead me to believe they should be repotted. …
Again, not a succulent
but I need help identifying! I love this plant! I’ve had it several times over the years of growing different groups of plants, and this one combines …
It looks like a zipper
It has long drooping arms that look like a zipper. Much to my surprise, I found these large fragrant blooms this morning. I have had this plant for years …
Birthday Planter Quandry
I’ve received a large planter for my birth day and it looks like there are 5-6 different types of succulents in here but i don’t know what they are or …
2 new succulents
I know some would ask why I bother to purchase unmarked plants. I live in a very small area, our selection is not much. I really love succulents …
Aptenia cordifolia ‘Variegata’
I would like to learn more about this trailing plant. It has a variegated leaf, trails over the pot and has a pink flower. Hi Wendy, this is a great …
Fishtail Palm
has light color of green…the leaves has like a triangular shape , the one i saw is like 3 m tall Drought Smart Plants reply: I’m thinking that …
3 plants that need to be identified… from home depot… described as succulent
the bottom one I believe to be crassula aregentea. the one above that i think is echeveria perle von nurnberg. and the one above that I have no idea. …
Succulent without a label that I have named Ferdinand.
I was helping my roommate out by going with him to the home and garden store with my pickup for a few big purchases, and I saw this little dixie cup sized …
labeled as “succulent”
Purchased at Home Depot, labeled as “succulent” I need to know what it is to make sure it’s safe to cats. Drought Smart Plants reply: Hi AP, …
Is what the seller said … I do not know whether the last 2 will be classified as succulents at all, & sorry to ask You 5 questions at a time, but …
bulbous leaves, bright green
I got this, & 4 others from a roadside seller (holidaying in the hilly areas). I don’t recognize it, & where I live is pretty much tropical (21° 13′ …