by S Palazzolo
(Hendersonville, NC USA)

I was given a plant with large strap-like waxy leaves and the plant has a long vine-type growth last fall and overwintered it in a garage located under living spaces.
It is around 5 ft tall with long leaves that are succulent like.
This spring I moved it outdoors and it is doing well, aside from getting round spots on the leaves.
The person that gave it to me doesn’t know the name, but said it will bloom. Any information would be greatly appreciated.
Drought Smart Plants reply:
That’s an awesome plant – I’d like to see what the blooms look like, as they most likely will be quite distinctive and I’ll be able to identify it. As it is, I have no idea what this might be, sorry.
The spots on the leaves look to be caused by something in its environment, possibly when it was overwintered. I would cut those off if you feel strongly about it, otherwise, they are still doing their job. Until the spots get bigger, or the leaf dies the green part is photosynthesizing, and helping the plant live.
If your plant blooms for you send me a picture of the flowers, maybe that will make it more identifiable.
Comments for straplike waxy leaves on long vine-type growth.
Jul 19, 2011
Eureka!!! I’ve found it!!!
by: S. Palazzolo
After more research, I’ve discovered that this is a “Queen of the night” cactus. its beautiful and aromatic flower blooms only for 1 night. I am looking forward to seeing it in bloom. I feel fortunate to own such an amazing specimen. I’ll take very good care of it.
Jul 27, 2011
Orchid Cactus
by: Tonya
I read your description & saw the pictures: I have the same plant, and a similar story–got clipping from a friend…
after hours of searching on the internet & various books, I believe it is an orchid cactus.
My friend’s plant grew very tall, like the ones in your picture.
They will bloom, just not sure what color.
Good luck!
May 23, 2016
Correct : It is not Queen of the night
by: Barb
Queen of the night without blooms look almost like dead sticks. “The night-blooming cereus has sparse, angular, lead-gray, twiggy stems about 1/2 inch in diameter. Extremely small spines grow along the 4 to 6 ribs of these woody stems, which can easily break. It can be erect or sprawling, reaching a length of up to 8 feet, but is usually half that length.”
There are no leaves especially fleshy or flat shiny green leaves.
Yes it is an epiphyllum but its name has been recently changed to Disocactus ackermannii.