by zubeida

small and beautiful, bulbous pointed-ended “leafs” (excuse my use of incorrect semantics!), very visible veins almost translucent. Just obtained, currently about 4.5cm diameter.
Hi Zubeida, this little jewel is Haworthia, one of the best tiny succulents for beginners; there are many different kinds, and the one I’ve grown that is the closest to yours is Haworthia cooperi x obtusa. One of the distinctive features of these plants is that the stripes are actually clear windows for the plant to absorb light to be processed inside it.
You can see more about them here: Haworthia and more about how to care for them here.
Good luck with your new plant!
Comments for small green succulant
Feb 11, 2013
by: Zubeida
Thanks so very much for the ID—and getting back to me so quickly’!! It really is a jewel.