Blue green succulent with stalky leaves on a branch with pink flowers.
I took a clipping off of some potted succulents on tables at a restaurant off the coast in Northern California (off pacific coast highway South of Monterey).
The branches in the pot were 8-10″ long . . . but probably pruned to keep neat.
Comments for Unknown tender succulent with pink flowers
Mar 16, 2015
by: Jacki
This little guy is very cute indeed. Oscularia is a native of South Africa, so does extremely well in the same conditions as it’s native habitat, in California.
In areas that don’t get frost, this is fine outside. Otherwise, it’s an indoor plant for winter, under lights.
You can see more about this species here.
Sep 21, 2019
Corpuscularia lehmannii – Ice Plant
by: Michelle
I believe this is a Corpuscularia lehmannii – Ice Plant, Delosperma lehmannii) has a particularly distinctive form. Its angular, three-sided leaves are extremely fleshy with a smooth, blue-green skin. In the wild, it
grows in rocky crevices in South Africa and and has a deep
taproot to endure full sun and periods of drought.
When grown with lots of sunlight and great drainage (gritty
soil, pots with drainage holes, etc.), C. lehmannii can grow
8.0″ tall and spread over a foot wide. Water deeply but
infrequently to prevent roots from staying wet for more than
four days. Through the summer, it produces large, yellow
blooms that resemble daisies.
“Ice Plant”—C. lehmannii is not
frost hardy and must be indoors before temperatures drop
below freezing. Likes Full Sun, Bright Indoor Light