by Suvi
(Richmond, va)

I am not sure what type of succulent this is.
It has flat round leaves growing close together at the base and a long thin stem with small clusters of ‘berry-like’ growths at the top.
No visible flowers.
Comments for Can you help identify this succulent?
Mar 29, 2015
by: Suvi
Thanks for giving me a name Jacki. At least I can look it up and care for it properly now. It should be pretty cool to see it flower!
Mar 22, 2015
No Visible Flowers?
by: Jacki
News Flash; that long stem with the balls on top is a flower stalk. They just haven’t opened yet. When they do they’ll most likely be pale pink.
How do I know that? Because this is Crassula multicava – more on it here where there is also a link to Daves Garden Website with detailed information on this plant.