Some Hardy, Some Not So Much
Round in form, with leaves emerging from the center to form a rosette shape – this is how a lot of succulents grow, but some of them look a lot alike. Here are some to check out a little closer if this sounds like your plant.

These are tender and can’t take frost;
They need warm and bright conditions, all year. Click on the picture that looks most like your plant, and get more details;
Keep in mind that some of these tend to grow into a tall stalk with a rosette at the top of it, like a palm tree.
Others may get tall and leggy simply by not getting enough light. These traits make it difficult to identify the plant because they’re not showing the typical characteristics that a plant in ideal conditions will show.
Some plants start off with one rosette, then long legs creep out and start forming a colony, each with a rosette on the end of it.
Typically, this is one of the character traits of Graptopetalum, which also will it to their progeny, x Graptoveria.
Winter and Cold Hardy Succulents
These hardy succulents are tough, resilient, and don’t mind a cold dormant period – with frost and snow; This isn’t just nice for them to have, it’s something they demand for their best health.
Many of these tough plants tend to produce lots of babies, making a colony or carpet of several generations of plants all clustered together.
Quite often, they will show all the ages at once; young babies still attached to the mother plant with stolons, mature plants in their second year, and blooming ‘hens’ which will die after flowering.
The textures make a mosaic that is truly a work of art in your garden.