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by Kari

Large round
Large round green

Large round green leaves with pink and cream edges. People have asked if it is some sort of cabbage. Maybe a flapjack or paddle plant?

Drought Smart Plants reply:
This does look very similar in the shape of the leaves to the flapjack plant, Kalanchoe luciae or Kalanchoe thyrsiflora. It’s interesting that it’s obviously a variegated form, which I hadn’t known about.

That’s actually pretty funny that people think it’s a cabbage, as that’s actually one of the common names for Kalanchoe luciae – desert cabbage.

Have a look at this page on Daves Garden Website:
Kalanchoe luciae ‘Tricolor’ – that’s it, isn’t it? Yay!

This entry has more growing information about the unvariegated plant that might be helpful; Kalanchoe luciae

Happy Growing!