by Erika

I obtained this plant from my Mom and neither she nor I have no clue what it might be. None of her or my planty friends have a clue and neither of us have found anything like it online. Do you think you might be able to tell us what it is??
Thank you SO much,
Hi Erika, I’ve been asked about this plant, or a similar one several times, and the closest I’ve come to identifying it is some kind of Rhipsalis. Here are some more pages that show the same plant: Wide bushy plant and Rhipsalis.
Maybe one of my regular visitors will know what this is definitively. Watch this space for more (in the comments).
Comments for I need my interesting plant identified, please!!!
Sep 24, 2012
One more detail,
by: Anonymous
Thanks for the reply, Jacki! I will continue researching around for this plant.
One thing I can tell you is that the “original” or “mama” (as my Mom puts it) has spikes on it like a cactus. She said I should still be able to find it in the pot somewhere, so I will have a gander.
Feb 03, 2013
Drunkard’s Dream
by: Ann
Try this: commonly known as Drunkard’s Dream