book2 600x120 2

by hstg001


It looks to be a trailing succulent. At each leaf node there are three leaves in a whorled pattern. Most of what I have seen have two leaves opposite each other.

Comments for I haven’t any idea as to what this is, please help . . .

Aug 05, 2017

by: Jacki

The closest I can find to your plant is this one; Crassula pellucida variegated. Then I found this guy too; Crassula volkensii variegated.

They’ve both got the same stripes of green and white, and slightly pointed leaves, but as you say, opposite leaves.

I have seen three leaves when there should be two (or four, when there should be three – think four leaf clovers) and that could be just a variation on the theme.

Keep it going, and give it more light, see what it could become!

Aug 05, 2017

cool plant
by: Original Poster

that’s it. just—cool plant

Jun 28, 2018

Sea Urchin!
by: New Hampshire

Pleasant view gardens in the Northeast US sells that as Sea Urchin and is labeled as a sedum. hope this helps!

Jul 25, 2022

by: Zeke

It’s Sedum lineare ‘Variegata’