by Jody Huffman
(Crescent City, CA)

So I was walking to the Nolls Surfing Competition yesterday only to pass by this sweet-tasting berry plant. For the life of me I’m having a difficult time finding it online, just want to make sure it’s edible (I licked the berry but didn’t eat it) because even though it’s very ripe and sweet, goodness knows we all want to make 100% bet it’s edible. 😀
Don’t think it’s the fruit of a potato, nor the berry of Oregon Grape (I’ve seen both of these plants around here).
Your help to identify this plant would be appreciated. 😛
Jody 🙂
October 1, 2011
Drought Smart Plants reply:
All kids are taught to ask before they eat any unknown berries – and it’s a good practice. Your first hint that this is not a good berry to eat is one you’ve already picked up on – it is actually related to potatoes (which don’t have berries), which you can tell by the flower – the little mauve or white flowers with a distinctive boss of stamens is typical of all the Solanum family.
Unfortunately, this appears to be some type of Deadly Nightshade, a relative of tomatoes, potatoes and peppers, but not edible. Please don’t eat it, you won’t like the effects. It will cause stomach ache at the very least.