learn anywhere

by Susi
(Imperia, Italy)


Picture quality not very good I’m afraid.

I recently bought this Hawthoria from a DIY hardware/garden accessories/plant store. I think you can guess what type of store I mean.

I’ve bought most of my cacti and succulents here, as they are cheap and I can therefore get something each time I pass.

Trouble is as with a lot of places, they are neither labelled nor cared for.

This one has dark “maroony” leaves, but I now think this is probably due to neglect as I am convinced that they seem to be slightly more greenish since I’ve had it. I do tend to be a bit of a sucker for neglected plants as I get a lot of satisfaction seeing them slowly returning to how nature intended. I’ll add a picture in the hope that someone can help me ID it. Thank you in anticipation…..

Drought Smart Plants reply: Hi Susi, I do know the kind of store you mean – this looks like one I’ve come across as Haworthia limifolia. You can see more about it here: Haworthia limifolia var. ubomboensis; there are many others, but this one looks the closest.

Hope this helps,

Comments for Hawthoria – but wich one?

Jun 05, 2012
Thank you Jackie.
by: Susi

Thanks Jackie, Have been looking up Limifolia on the net and it does seem a possible ID, but have also come across Haworthia Viscosa which is also a possibility. Then there is Viscosa ex Tortuosa which I haven’t checked out yet, just wanted to say thank you for your quick response to my query and for putting me on the right track.

Will post some more photos at a later date when the plant should have picked up a bit, it’s already starting to to turn more green in the centre.

I think the colour has been misleading and that it was just very neglected and in desperate need of a little TLC, which it is now getting in abundance.

In the meantime if anyone else has any comments I would be pleased to receive them as I am still quite a novice but eager to learn from other peoples’ experience. Thank you again Jackie.

Drought Smart Plants reply: Susi, you’re very welcome! I did have a comment on the Facebook page from someone who thought it might be H. reinwardtii, but then they decided it wasn’t. Something to check though.

I’m sure it will recover just fine, and hopefully once it’s in better shape you can post again, and get more definitive answers.

Haworthia as a group all respond well to the same care, so at least that’s a step in the right direction!

Best of luck,