by Karen
(Austin, Texas)

Top view of plant at Mustang Island State Park near Corpus Christi, Texas
It was in full sun near the headquarter building at Mustang Island State Park
The low-growing plant is similar to a yucca but it’s long, thin leaves were fatter like an aloe vera. Thanks for your help! Karen
Drought Smart Plants reply:
Hi Karen. This looks as though it could be an Agave. The way to tell is if it has a single spine (a lethal one) at the tip of each leaf. I’m not sure which species this could be, as there are so many that are similar. Aloe always have several to many small teeth (usually not sharp) lining the edges of each leaf.
The use of Agave in landscaping is due to their incredible toughness and longevity, as well as their lack of welcome for intruders. They make a great barrier plant – a roaming dog or human will only make one attempt to get through them. They are also beautiful and slow growing, taking up to ten or twenty years to reach blooming size. The bloom can tower up to 20′ tall, after which the rosette will die. They are referred to as ‘monocarpic’ which means ‘once flowering’. Usually, they’ll produce a colony of ‘pups’ around the base of the mother plant to take over after she dies.
With so many different species to choose from, and sized from teacup to Volkswagen Beetle, and many colours and textures it’s no wonder that they’re gaining in popularity as a xeriscaping plant.
Comments for Full Sun Succulent
Jan 24, 2020
Species ID
by: Justin Q
Hello, I’m a South Texas Master Naturalist and I work on Mustang Island at the Port Aransas Nature Preserve.
This species of yucca is Yucca treculeana.