
by Bo



Fat long sectional arms with ivy shaped leaves and short curly vines almost..funky little guy.

Ah, I recognize this one from the Facebook page; it’s a cute one, for sure.

The odd part is those leaves – I’ve seen this type of ivy or maple shaped leaves on odd succulent stems in Senecio species.

Very different and it would be hard to miss if you had ever seen it.

I’ll keep looking, Bo, and hopefully we’ll figure it out – meanwhile, carry on doing whatever it is you’re doing – the plant obviously likes it!

Keep in touch if you manage to find out, I’m dying to know what on earth it is now!

Comments for Fat long sectional arms..

Sep 14, 2014
I have the same plant!
by: Did you figure it out?

Please post the species if you figured it out. This is the only photo I’ve seen of it on the internet. It is such an unusual plant!

Sep 15, 2014
I have the same plant
by: Got a name for it?

Did you ever find out what this is? I have the same plant but can’t find any information anywhere on the Internet.

Sep 18, 2014
Senecio of some kind
by: Jacki

The typical format of a succulent type of stem and those really distinctive ivy like leaves are common in some Senecio species. There are several on the page for that genus here; Senecio – although none have the ribbed looking stems, they are so similar.

Jan 10, 2015
I think I know what it is!!
by: Maria

I have one (or something very similar to yours) It is a Cissus Quadrangularis. Several articles about it on the internet. Good luck!!