by Hope
(Quebec. Canada )
Hello, my black prince is getting soft and brown. It used to be really pretty and sturdy. I don’t know what I’m doing wrong. It may be because of too much heat or under/over watering.
Please help me.
I live in a pretty hot and sunny city. So I usually keep them outside from 9 or 10 in the morning and I get them back inside around 5 or 6 p.m. I heard that black prince do really well the more they have light so I try to let them outside as long as possible.
I was suspecting something was wrong with the soil so I cut the stem off and planted it back just a few days ago.
Comments for Brown black prince
Sep 24, 2017
Was this picture before? Or after?
by: Jacki
I think you’re on the right track. If this picture is after you beheaded it, the middle of it looks like it’s going to recover. Hopefully, it’s in some kind of sandy/gravelly soil, without added fertilizer or lime. Echeveria don’t like lime.
What to do now? Don’t water it. For at least a month. Let it recover and grow some roots. The older leaves may shrivel up and fall off, or you can cut them off, but the center, where the new growth comes from, looks fine.
Without knowing more about what kind of soil it’s in, and what your water is like (is it from a well? Does it contain minerals or chemicals? etc.) I don’t know what else to suggest. Give it time, have patience.
Sep 24, 2017
This is an after picture of cutting the stem off
by: Hope
I bought a cactus soil so that’s what I’m using right now. I placed the succulent outside in the hot weather and I’m scared that it will get a sunburn or something else since it it so fragile and has not formed any roots yet. Should I bring it back home?. Also I’m using tap water.
Sep 24, 2017
Tap water. Hmm.
by: Jacki
I would keep it somewhere that is bright, but not in full sun. Warm temperatures, as long as it’s not humid, shouldn’t be a problem.
The tap water, now that could be a problem. Tap water, depending on where you are, could contain chemicals like fluoride and chlorine, which are used as additives or to purify water to make it fit for humans to drink. These chemicals are not necessarily good for plants.
If you can’t locate anything else, use bottled drinking water or distilled water from the drug store. These will have a lot less additives, minerals or chemicals, depending on the system used to produce them. Check the label!
For a couple of dollars, you can get enough water to use on a few plants for months because they’ll only need a cup or two at a time, once every few months, especially when just rooting.
Sep 24, 2017
Hose water?
by: Hope
It is really humid outside so I just took them back home. Could I use hose water from my garden. I don’t think it’s the same water from the sink. It is usually used to water plant outside. Also you said that I shouldn’t water it for a month. Won’t it be at risk to be underwatered?
Sep 24, 2017
Check the source
by: Jacki
If you’re on municipal water, you may be using the same source as your tap water in the garden. In which case, it’s going to make no difference.
The only other thing you could do is make sure that the tap water/hose water sits in an open jug to let it warm up, and also the chlorine will dissipate. This won’t help if the water contains minerals or other chemicals.
You really can’t underwater succulents. They don’t need to be damp all the time like other plants. Especially when they don’t have any roots. All you’ll do if you water is make the plant rot. Please do take my advice! Less is more, with succulents and water.
Sep 24, 2017
by: Hope
Okay thank you very much for your advice! I’ll be patient and see what’s gonna happen with it. Finger cross* that they’ll do well.
Sep 24, 2017
Good Luck!
by: Jacki
Let us know how it goes, Hope!