Drought Smart Plants is accepting Guest Posts
Are you a gardener or plant lover living and gardening in North America?
DSP is now accepting guest posts related to the focus of this site, which is all about succulents and drought resistant plants and gardens – write an article to be published under your own byline.
This opportunity is on hiatus

Your article will be considered if it’s between 700 and 2000 words, grammatically correct and free of typographical errors and spelling mistakes and is unique content.
Need help with grammar and spelling? The two tools I rely on for helping me to be as clear and succinct as possible are Hemingway App and Grammarly. Try their free versions and see if you agree.
Only those articles on topics such as dry gardening, drought tolerant plants or xeriscaping will be considered. Please do not think that this means broad gardening topics, or unrelated topics such as vermin control.
In addition, the destination link must go to some kind of garden related content, not some random review site.
You will also need to include a bio of around 150 words with one link to your site or blog, and include your photo or logo.
If you need help deciding on a topic, ask me!
Important Criteria;
- Article must be written from your own perspective, using your own knowledge and experiences.
- Images that you have taken, not stock photos. Google gives preference to unique images.
- Article must not be copied, plagiarized or published anywhere else on the web or in print. You must own the copyright to this work.
- The link in your bio will be a follow link. Your link must be gardening related.
- Your article must be a minimum of 700 words.
I’ll include up to three editorial links to other resources. Unfortunately, after several instances of broken destination links, I’ve removed this perk. If you like, add links to other pages on this website as references.
- You must reside in North America, or at least the northern hemisphere, where the majority of my website visitors reside. The only exception would be those authors in Australia or New Zealand. Please don’t abuse this opportunity if you live elsewhere such as India or Pakistan!
Please note – duplicate content hurts us all. It’s against Googles guidelines of good webmastering.
If your article is found to be published on other sites, it will be immediately removed along with any backlinks. This offer is not meant just to gain an inbound link to your website or blog.
Please make sure that any article you submit to Drought Smart Plants is original and will be published solely here.
Also note; most of the visitors to this site are in North America. Therefore, please do not ask me to publish your article if you’re in another country, especially if you’re just doing it for the link.
Do not abuse this privilege.
In addition, your article runs the risk of not being published if I have to re-write it, remove typographical errors or make any other revisions.
If you don’t want to do the work to make it complete, and save me from savagely editing it, don’t submit it here. There are probably other websites that will go to that much effort, but it’s not this one.
Please remember that I’m a solo operator – there is no ‘team’ of editors that I can pass this off to. Make it easy on all of us!
To recap;
- You must be located in the northern hemisphere
- Your article must be unique
- Photos are essential (no stock pictures, please – no picture, no publish) Sorry, I can’t find a picture for your article.
Are you interested in taking on the challenge?
Fill in the form and we’ll talk about topics for your article. (Note; this is not for other questions – for that, use the contact form on this page.)
This opportunity is on hiatus
Due to multiple instances of people not reading these few simple guidelines, and abusing the privilege of the opportunity, Write for This Site is no longer offered. It’s unfortunate a few bad apples can wreck it for us all.
Other Ways to Contribute;
Do you want to contribute but don’t know what to write?
Let me interview you! No need to be a professional, just a fellow gardener or plant lover.
I will link to your social media profile, and add your pictures to the interview. Come on, it will be fun!
This is how it works; I send you a list of questions to answer, and you send me back your answers and some pictures of your garden, your glowing face, or some favorite plants. If you have something to sell, so much the better! See how it looks here.