Need Help Identifying Your Succulents?
Many box stores and chain stores carry unidentified succulent plants which just seem to leap into your shopping cart and beg for a new home.

I can’t resist them!
Getting them home and finding a new spot in your garden display or houseplant collection is the easy part – after a quarantine period in case of pests.
Finding their name and any information on them is almost impossible.
Succulent swaps are another way you may get new and unusual plants, or you may even have a ‘legacy plant’ which is handed down through your family.
Three of the most popular legacy or ‘friendship plants’;
- Schlumbergera, the Christmas Cactus,
- Kalanchoe daigremontiana, the Maternity Plant, or mother-of-thousands, and
- Hoya, which goes by the common name of Wax Flower, because that’s what the flowers look like they’re made of.
- Find out more about some of the most popular Christmas Succulents and how to grow them.
Many people start with just a couple of the little plants commonly sold in supermarkets or corner stores, then have so much success with them, pretty soon they’re picking them up all over.
The more you have, the more you want – in a good way, and luckily, these plants are easily propagated so you can feel confident that you can root your own succulents when someone offers you a cutting off their plant.
Some characteristics to look for;
- Type of stem – woody, fleshy, slender or thick?
- What are the leaves like – what shape, what are the margins like (toothed, scalloped, smooth)?
- Does the plant grow as a single rosette, or lots of stems together?
- How are the leaves attached to the stem – with a petiole, or stem? Or clasping the stem?
Identifying your mystery succulent plants will aid in finding out how to care for them and provide their preferred conditions.
Chubby, sleek, prickly, speckled, spotted, drought tolerant, fascinating and beautiful…
Feel free to make comments about other succulent plants that other visitors have asked about, you may know something interesting about them – share!
Still not finding your succulent?
Sorry, this service no longer available.
Due to demand for this service I’ve had to start charging a small amount for identification – for $1.99 USD you can ask me what your plant is. Click the Paypal button and you’ll be redirected instantly to where you can ask.
(Get your pictures ready to send. Please note; some people consider cacti a succulent, but there is a whole other kettle of fish – don’t ask me to identify any cactus.)
Wait! Before you purchase, make sure you see my Terms and Conditions (yes, I had to write these). This link opens in a new window, so go and read, then buy the service.
Please note; you MUST check the box to receive answers to your submission to find out what your plant is. Please use some kind of email address that allows your answer notification, and won’t filter it out as spam.
Check to see if your plant is already listed below…
…other visitors may have already asked about your plant.
A friend asked me what this is. I haven’t come across it. It reminded me a little of ceropegia but wrong colour and thicker stems
It’s a red colour with round shiny red leaves? Trailing
Could this be a Begonia or a Peperomia
Unable to find a name or photo. Plant has pink fuzzy stems with striped leaves. The color in photo seems to be showing more pink but it is not …
Succulent or not?
I took a piece of this ground covering plant which didn’t grow well in the container I found it in. I placed in in my succulent container with new soil …
Curly, possibly succulent?
I got this from a nursery. It’s tiny. I have looked online and found a few possibilities, but can’t quite figure it out. It was with the succulents.
I bought it because it reminded me of Beetlejuice
I bought it in a farmers market and it didn’t have a tag/name. It has lily-like leaves that extend on long stems from a bulb-like base that is covered …
What is this??
So I have some clippings from my boss and she doesn’t know what it is! It’s a succulent but it looks like a dead weeping willow. It never produces any …
I haven’t any idea as to what this is, please help . . .
It looks to be a trailing succulent. At each leaf node there are three leaves in a whorled pattern. Most of what I have seen have two leaves opposite each …
This little succulent needs a name.
It has thin brown branches and very soft green leaves. The stems start out as fragile light yellow-green and age into the slightly sturdier brown “trunks”. …
This plant has rose coloured leaves with stripes running along the length of the leaves. The edges are wavy and have very short spikes. The plant …
Bright pink flowers with yellow centers and green to reddish leaves
This plant was sold in a group of succulents. It overwintered on an enclosed porch in NM and is currently blooming. Is it a succulent? If so, any ideas …
Help! I need to ID these two plants for the county fair
There are four plants in the container total, but I only need help with two. The first one I believe is some kind of Echeveria but I’m not certain. …
Possibly some form of Haworthia
Green fleshy leaves with small light spikes over each leaves. Lots of smaller ones growing around base. Large stem protruding currently but it looks …
Couldn’t find these guys in the Unidentifieds yet…
I’m not sure what these ones are…please help! Is B a type of crassula? Also, there’s a big hole in one of the leaves (plant on the right, leaf would …
Bridal Shower gift
Three or four stalks of thick, waxy, pointy leaves.
Have No Idea What These Are…
Hi, I bought a bunch of plants on a whim, but don’t know what they are. They don’t seem to be doing very well, and I want to make sure I’m taking care …
Unknown Succulent?
Bought for me at a flea market with no tags. It’s currently 2-3 inches tall, with a straight stalk. It’s bright green, with fleshy leaves. New leaves have …
Need help identifying three succulents for determination of safety around pets
Hello, I received this beautiful pot of succulents as a gift and have no experience with them. The plants have done great outside all spring and summer. …
Unknown (probably) succulent!
This green plant has long, thin stems with flat, smooth-edged leaves attached. There appears to be thin, tan stringy hairs coming from the plant, also. …
A little star shaped Pod
We recently bought a bunch of succulents but this little star shaped pod was a last minute buy and we forgot to ask what it was called! It was grown in …
Succulent growing wild?
This plant is growing wild around my house. In rocks and everywhere. It’s not too warm here so I’m not sure if it’s a succulent. But the leaves are …
Grows like crazy, easy to split and replant
It is a tall plant, upwards of a foot and a half. Greyish green in color, leaves shaped just like string beans. Grows straight up.
Unknown Succulent
It has fleshy, somewhat pointed leaves. Light, bright green.
A tiny plant growing from a dry rocky trail
I found this plant at the side of a bone-dry, rock-hard hiking trail on a ridge here in the Easy Bay hill near San Francisco. The individual leaves are …
I found this growing at a park in Ontario, Canada between the cracks of some concrete slabs. Is it a succulent?
5-point tiny white waxy flowers with almost bugle-weed type foliage, low growing ground cover. Hi Erin, this looks to be Sedum acre, but those aren’t …
Succulent Identification Archive 1
I’m not sure if these plants here are echeveria or agave or something else. They don’t need much water – maybe once a week – and they are in the shade …
Help! I have no idea what type of succulent this is, and its dying.
I do believe I found this plant at local drugstore. It is pretty tall measuring just above 5 inches from the top of the pot. It has a pretty light …
Geometric Mystery Succulent
I bought this succulent at a market this summer, but don’t know its name, or the best care for it. It seems to want as much sunlight as I can give …
ovate, smooth toothless fleshy leaves?
Not sure if this is a succulent but this site is the closest images I’ve found. The diameter of the leaves is just larger than the size of a quarter. We …
Succulent Identification Archive 2
I live on the 11th floor south west facing in a suburb of Vancouver. Do I leave this succulent planter out on my deck for the winter? Or do I take …
Succulent Identification Archive 3
All the tag said was “Rainbow Pack 2.5 inches”. I really just want to know the name of this little plant (if it has one) and if it’s toxic to pets and …
Succulent tree with green flower like clusters.
The leaves of this succulent look like echeveria, but may not be. The green florette whorls are atop woody, scaly stems. This plant has lost most of its …
waxy hard leaf…
mom received 8 plants for her 90th birthday. two of which i cannot identity. waxy hard leaf may be like snake plant another plant don’t think is …
Tibetan Succulent
Flat leaves, diamond shape, layered Unique “flowers” that look like mini green houses Hi Rita, someone else asked me about these same plants – and …
Hi, we got this really unique mystery plant from our local garden nursery (they plant all the pots at our office) however, nobody seems to know what it …
Succulent Identification Archive 6
I found this plant while hiking and was able to bring it home and plant it and it is flourishing. It has leaves that start out small and pink and then …