Sent a picture to best describe. Blooms in the spring. Stays dormant in the garage through the winter.
Drought Smart Plants reply: Hi Mary, this gorgeous thing is an Orchid Cactus – what else could you call something that has such incredible flowers?
It’s an epiphyte, which means that these originate high in the tree tops in tropical countries, where they are bathed in mist, and can have bright but not full sun. If you can copy these conditions, these plants will be completely happy.
Somewhat long and gangly when not in bloom, the legs can be cut back, and will branch from the cut ends, or produce new growth from the crown of the plant.
They’re relatively easy to grow from cuttings, but sometimes they’ll even produce round bright pink fruits which contain many seeds.
There are some growers and hobbyists who produce many new varieties, all with the same trademark flowers in all shades of pink, white, cream, purple and red.
Comments for Orange succulent that blooms in the spring
Jan 19, 2013
Wow! by: Julie
Mary, that’s got to be the most gorgeous hot orange that I’ve ever seen. I’ve seen lots of other colors of Orchid Cactus, but that’s a show stopper.
Thanks for sharing!
Mar 31, 2019
Beautiful orange flower by: Deni
Wondering if the true name was ever found? The leaves look a little unusual for Epiphyllum. Wondering if it could be something else like Rhipsalis or…? Would love to have one!