by Shell
mobile phone for size comparison
She has thick fat flat green leaves, that look a bit dried out but aren’t…in the center a huge pointy pink petaled flower with little tiny flowers about to emerge.
I have no idea what kind she is or how to care for her…can anyone help? Thanks in advance!
Oh, you lucky thing! This is a bromeliad, otherwise known as a vase flower or cartwheel plant.
This page has more on the Blushing Bromeliad.
Yours is a little different, but the will need the same kind of care.
It looks like your lovely plant is totally happy with what you’ve been doing so far, so whatever it is, keep it up!
This particular bromeliad is Aechmea fasciata or Silver Vase or Urn Plant which you can see more about here on Dave’s Garden Website. Make sure to read all the comments below the profile of the plant; it’s interesting reading!
Best of luck with your gorgeous plant,
Comments for Need help identifying this beauty
Mar 18, 2013
Thanks Jacki
by: Shell
I am a lucky thing! Thanks so much for identifying my beautiful girl. I will take great care of her.