book3 600x120 5

by Rose
(Ontario, Canada)


I bought this Echeveria last spring, but have lost the tag. Several have said it is ‘shaviana’, some have said ‘runyoni’, and others have said ‘lauii x’.

It bloomed in July last year, flower spikes about 18 inches high and long lasting…..wonderful.

Would appreciate any opinions. (I wanted to include a close-up of the flower stems but apparently can only add one photo.)

(Edited by Jacki – you can add up to four graphics now!)

Comments for Help identify, please

Mar 09, 2010
Echeveria shaviana
by: Jacki

Your gorgeous Echeveria is indeed, shaviana. This is one of the nicest when properly grown, as yours evidently is! It’s obviously very happy in your conditions to have produced two such tall flower stalks. Go to this page to see more pictures of this plant.

Oh, and the ability to post more than one picture is coming soon!

Mar 09, 2010
thanks for your help, Jacki
by: papillon2

I am happy that my plant has it’s name back….am making a nice tag for it. Thanks so much!