
by Susan


Mystery Succulent

I inherited this plant from a co-worker who left the company. I’ve been watering it and it’s been growing like crazy. The ex-coworker said it’s a succulent but I have no idea what kind or how to care for it.

Comments for Have No Clue

Jul 13, 2015
Very Helpful, Thank you
by: Anonymous

Wow, thank you so much for the information. That was very helpful. I brought it back to work since I have two cats.

Jul 13, 2015
Looks like Kalanchoe daigremontiana
by: Angela

Don’t worry too much about specific care.

They’re super easy to grow and can put up with all sorts of neglect and abuse.

Just give it good enough lighting and don’t overwater, and you should be fine. If you have warm winters, be careful not to let it escape outdoors. It will start reproducing and take over everything, and then you really can’t get rid of it.

It’s also quite poisonous, so you should keep it away from small children and pets.

Jul 01, 2015
Stop Watering It!
by: Jacki

This is one of the most common (and weird) plants that are often grown as house plants and on patios.

In warm areas they will become an invasive pest.

They are Kalanchoe daigremontiana, or Mother of Millions