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by Matt Zuellig
(Athens, Georgia USA)

arched leaves that look folded on themselves flowers on long fragrant stalk 21694316
thumb arched leaves that look folded on themselves flowers on long fragrant stalk 21694316
thumb arched leaves that look folded on themselves flowers on long fragrant stalk 21694317
thumb arched leaves that look folded on themselves flowers on long fragrant stalk 21694318
thumb arched leaves that look folded on themselves flowers on long fragrant stalk 21694319


I have a plant with fleshy leaves that are kind of half moon shape.

The leaves have a notch in their upper edge, and they have the appearance that they could have been formed by folding a leaf onto itself then fusing it (see photo).

The stem is brownish-yellow and looks kind of woody, but is actually pretty succulent in feeling if you give it a squeeze.

The plant flowered in the spring. The flowers must have been very small, because there was no large flowers – instead the floral spike had a whole bunch of little flowers (presumably they were flowers at least) that had a pretty strong fragrance if you rubbed them.

The flowers would have been yellow and if you rubbed them in your fingers they were yellow – so maybe it is a male plant… Also, the floral stalk was long and pretty flimsy – it kind of arched over the top of the plant.

Matt Z.

Hi Matt, this one has me stumped, but I’ll post it and see if anyone else has a clue. Sounds lovely, with the scented flowers..

Comments for Arched leaves that look folded on themselves, flowers on long fragrant stalk.

Jul 12, 2013

by: António Almeida


I think this is Peperomia dolabriformis (common name: prayer pepper) or a related species of succulent Peperomia.


Antonio, you’re exactly right; here it is:
Peperomia dolabriformis