by Matt Zuellig
(Athens, Georgia USA)
I have a plant with fleshy leaves that are kind of half moon shape.
The leaves have a notch in their upper edge, and they have the appearance that they could have been formed by folding a leaf onto itself then fusing it (see photo).
The stem is brownish-yellow and looks kind of woody, but is actually pretty succulent in feeling if you give it a squeeze.
The plant flowered in the spring. The flowers must have been very small, because there was no large flowers – instead the floral spike had a whole bunch of little flowers (presumably they were flowers at least) that had a pretty strong fragrance if you rubbed them.
The flowers would have been yellow and if you rubbed them in your fingers they were yellow – so maybe it is a male plant… Also, the floral stalk was long and pretty flimsy – it kind of arched over the top of the plant.
Matt Z.
Hi Matt, this one has me stumped, but I’ll post it and see if anyone else has a clue. Sounds lovely, with the scented flowers..
Comments for Arched leaves that look folded on themselves, flowers on long fragrant stalk.
Jul 12, 2013
by: António Almeida
I think this is Peperomia dolabriformis (common name: prayer pepper) or a related species of succulent Peperomia.
Antonio, you’re exactly right; here it is:
Peperomia dolabriformis